This is really interesting and helpful for my thinking about this topic, thank you! Forgive me if you've already covered the following question elsewhere (I'm new here), but I'm wondering: What does a comparison look like between individuals' lifetime earnings in households where men leave the workforce* to care for children vs. households where women leave the workforce to care for children? Is there a similar decrease in lifetime earnings for those stay-at-home dads as compared to the decrease in lifetime earnings for stay-at-home women? Or do the stay-at-home dads actually still earn more than the stay-at-home moms in the long-term (given comparable durations of time away from an outside-the-home career)?

*"Workforce" here is used loosely to refer to doing a job away from the home and unrelated to direct child/household care. As a former stay-at-home dad, I'm very aware that child care is a hugely difficult, full-time job on par with literally any other high-skilled profession (at least that's been my experience, haha). Thanks again!

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Great write-up. I'm curious what a more accurate version of the single vs dual-income table looks like.

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ok but what if i just dont have kids

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