You really think all NIMBYs are white? Not my experience.

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Agreed. NIMBYs are acting in self-financial interest, not necessarily actin out of any racist motives.

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I find this paper pretty convincing.

The Emergence of Exclusionary Zoning Across American Cities - Tom Cui https://www.tom-cui.com/assets/pdfs/LotsEZ_Latest.pdf

Racism created a lot of our current land use policies. But once in place, there were many different benefactors. Leading to the current homevoter stagnation that Maia points out.

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Derek, that paper is not peer reviewed.

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This article is correct. Not many people appreciate the degree to which housing impacts economic growth, innovation, and personal development. Housing is about the closest thing to a "theory of everything" that is wrong in much of the "developed" world.

The solution is to ease zoning regulations, perhaps by adopting form-based codes instead of Euclidean zoning, and taxing land values instead of property values, as I discussed at length here: https://www.lianeon.org/p/the-housing-theory-of-everything

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No mention of immigration? End immigration and the housing crisis would disappear overnight.

Also, expand Work-From-Home policies as much as possible so less people have to pack in to cities.

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1. For many people their house is the most expensive item they own - or better said, that they will own after (mostly) 30 years of paying for it. So it is understandable that they defend it, that they try to make sure their house keeps its value.

Currently housing price are going up which makes some lose sight of the fact that housing prices also have gone down, often considerably, from time to time. I have bought a house/an apartment five times, two times I made some money, three times I lost money, and one time it was a considerable amount. All in all I ended up in the red. So having a house is not a sure thing to become wealthy.

2. Many males, especially in NW-Europe, are 180 cm or taller. Better food & better health care breeds, over time, taller people. As living conditions for many improve we will see more tall people. Designing for people of 180 cm is therefore a good thing IMO.

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